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Monday 29 June 2009

proposal education watchfulness

proposal education watchfulness

study execution influence remedial towards result learns student at sman i am indralaya

efran hadi
accountancy economy education
science direction social

teachership faculty and education science
university sriwijaya
proposal education watchfulness

study execution influence remedial towards result learns student at sman i am indralaya

efran hadi
accountancy economy education
science direction social

approved to menyeminarkan

my guide is guide ii

dra. siti fatimah, m. the drs. djumadiono
nip. 132083432

study program chairman
accountancy economy education

dra. siti fatimah, m. the
nip. 132083432

proposal watchfulness
study execution influence remedial towards result learns student at sman 1 indralaya
a. background
education is important factor in creats human resource. it is not strange if in this time government gives extra attention in sector this education, begin from obligatory program learns nine year, boss fund belongs book boss, free school program up to tool developments and education infrastructure. sure this matter is attributed to pengmbangan education ins better and can to compete with bations other.
education have a certain quality that is bot merely quality from science aspect, but also belied and entrant fear educates so that later education and development that be balance between also development social at society.
this matter also feeled of vital importance remember adolescent conditon and entrant has educated us in this time in general influenced by latter globalization current has goed on by lea. even less information technology and communication more will bloom to want doesn't want very many menggeluti in life adolescent we. this matter sure must be special attention, because this globalization current is imperative if we don't want to be country remained from bations other atri we must give alternative prevention and tackling towards crisis that with adolescent. , one of them pass pondidi.
education that be base for instruction activity can be done at also at school. but these days school character menjad very big sehubungan with pupil parents bustles and kepercayaann hadpa this resort.
in all education process at school, activity learns to be activity mainest, mean success not it education aim achievement depends on bagaiman process learns that undergone student as pupil. for that, school as oraganisasi individual intellectual container same towards that appointed so that produce entrant has educated good and have a certain quality.
but, in process the execution learns student not always walk at ease sometimes found failure (difficulty learn)s in certain subject and or certain other chapters. result learns at school often mengindikasikan as success size learn student. if student gets good value so he is student doesn't experience difficulty and can be said as a success student in learn while if value that got little so he belongs to student that experience difficulty in learn. difficulty learn that undergone by student can causes to decreased it motivation learns them.
to overcome failure and or difficulties that undergone by student so necessary held efforts to can overcome failure and or difficulties learn.

b. problem formulation
based on explanation above, so troubleshoot in this watchfulness “ how big study execution influence remedial towards result learns student at sman 1 indralaya? ”

c. watchfulness aim
to detect study execution influence remedial towards student result at sman 1 indralaya.

d. watchfulness benefit
as to supposed benefit from this watchfulness:
a. for student, give solution to overcome difficulty learns menghadapainya
b. for teacher, so that teacher can maximise study remedial for students that experience difficulties learn.
c. for school, so that can carry out monitoring and motivation for teacher and student to hold study remedial so that can repair result learn student.

e. book observation
1. explanation learns
learn a effort process that done somebody to get bew behaviour change as a whole, as the experience result self in interaction with the environment. (slmeto, 2003: 2)
follow dalyono (2005: 49) learn can mendefenisikan as a(n) effort or activity that aim to hold change in somebody self, include behaviour change, attitude. habit, science, know-how, and sebagi.
while follow gagne (in slameto, 2003: 13) learn a prosees to get motivation in erudition, know-how, habit and behaviour. learn erudition mastery or keteranpilan that got from instruction.
based on definitions learn above can menyimpulkjan that learn to be a activity that done seseorrang to get erudition and know-how so that produce behaviour change relative menetap as experience result san interaction with the environment.

1.1. factor-faktor that influence to learn
follow slameto(2003: 54) there bebrapa factor that can influence to learn, that is:
a. factor internal
factor internal that is factor that come from within meriindividu that is earning, that is:
1. factor carnal, cover well-being and defect body
2. factor psikologis, cover inteigensi, attention, interest, talent, motive, maturity, and immediacy.
3. factor exhaustion that is body exhaustion shaped lema body and timbil inclination to lay out body and spritual exhaustion that visible with tiredness existence and boredom so that interest and push to produce a certain that lost.

b. factor external
1. family factor, melitputi parents manner educates, customer delivers family member, house atmosphere, family economy conditon, attention from parents, and background kebidayaan.
2. factor school, cover method teaches, curriculum, customer gru with student, student customer with student, discipline school, lesson tool, school time, standard lesson above size, building conditon, method learns, and house task.
3. factor society, cover student activity in society, mass media, friend associates, and society life form.

1.2. aim learns
aim learns among others:
follow sadirman a. m (2001: 26), that is in general aim learns among others:
a. to get erudition
erudition ownership and ability think to be part not detachable. equally we can not mengmbang kemampua think without ingredient pengtahuan.
b. know-how comprehension
will learn to need practices that know-how increase in student self, good that is know-how jamani also spritual know-how.

c. attitude formation
mental attitude formation and prila child will not loose daripemahaman values. therefore, teacher not just teach, but also personate educator and instructor.

follow hamalik (2002: 73) aim has learnt amount of result has learn that demo that student has done deed has learnt usually cover pengtahuan, know-how, and supposed bew attitudes reached by student.

follow widada, et al. aim learns:
a. get changes in entire spritual aspects, body aspect, behaviour, know-how etc.
b. develop personality pattern up at perfecter
c. get penglaman-pengalaman new to fulfil the alive need.
2. study truth remedial
study activity from learn that done by teacher towards the student so that student can has know-how, erudition, and relative behaviour change menetap. study remedial be education service that given to entrant educates to repair accomplishment learn it so that achieve criteria ketuntasan that appointed. to realize study model exertion concept remedial, beforehand necessary payed that education unit level curriculum (ktsp) memberlakukan based on permendiknas 22,23,24 year 2006 and permendiknas no. 6 year 2007 apply study system based on competence, system learns complete, and study system that pay attention entrant individual difference educates. system meants marked with merumuskannya competence standard clear (sk) and competence base (kd) that must be dominated entrant educate. mastery sk and kd every entrant educates to measuresed to use criteria reference evaluation system. if a entrant educates to achieve certain standard so entrant educate to declared achieve ketuntasan.
study execution based on competence and complete study, begun from entrant beginning ability evaluation educates towards competence or matter that be studied. then carried out study uses various method likes lecture, demonstration, collaborative/co-operative study, inkuiri, menykoveri, etc. equip study method is used also various media likes audio media, video, and audiovisual in so many format, begin from audio cassete, slid, video, computer, multimedia, etc. in the middle of study execution or at the (time) of study activity underway, held process evaluation uses various technique and instrument as a mean to detect progress has learnt with how does far entrant mastery educated towards competence that or being studied. by the end of study program, held evaluation formaler shaped daily repetition. daily repetition is meant to determine achievement level learns entrant educates, what a entrant educate to fail or success achieve certain mastery level that formulated at the (time) of study has been planned.
when met entrant existence educated not achieve competence mastery that determined, so appear troubleshoot hit what must be done by educator. one of [the] action that need study program gift remedial or repair. equally, remedial need for entrant educates not yet achieve minimal ability that appointeds in study execution plan. study program gift remedial based on background that educator necessary pay attention entrant individual difference educates.
with memberikannya study remedial for entrant educates not yet achieve level ketuntasan learn, so entrant has educated this need longer time than they are that achieve mastery level. they also necessary go through reappraisal after get study program remedial.
2.1. study principle remedial
study remedial be special treatment gift towards entrant educates that experience obstacle in activity learn it. obstacle that can be in the form of erudition undercommunication and prerequisite know-how or slow in mecapai competence. several principles necessary payed in study remedial as according to in character as special service among others:
1. adaptif
every entrant educates has uniqueness self. therefore study program remedial should make possible entrant educates to learn as according to speed, chance, and style learns each. equally, study remedial must mengakomodasi entrant individual difference educate.

2. interaktif
study remedial should make possible entrant educates to intensively interacted with educator and source learns available. this matter is based on deliberation that activity learns entrant educates has repair necessary always get monitoring and supervision so that known progress learn it. if met entrant existence educates that experience difficulty soon given aid.
3. flexibility in study method and evaluation
in line with uniqueness character and difficulty learns entrant educates that vary, so in study remedial necessary used various method teaches and appropriate evaluation method with entrant characteristics educates.
4. feedback gift as soon as may be
feedback shaped information that given to entrant educates to hit progress learn it necessary given as soon as may be. feedback can has corectional also konfirmatif. with as soon as may be give feedback can be avoided mistake learn long-drawn-out that undergone entrant educates.
5. continuity and availability in service gift
regular study program with study remedial is one unitary, thereby regular study program with remedial must continual and the program always available so that every moment entrant educate can accessing it as according to chance each.
2.2. study execution remedial
study remedial intrinsically aid gift for entrant educates that experience difficulty or delay learns. sehubungan with that, steps necessary done in study gift remedial cover two main steps, that is first mendiagnosis difficulty learns, and second give treatment (treatment) study remedial.
1. mengagnosis difficulty learns
a. aim
mengagnosis difficulty learns meant to detect difficulty level learns entrant educates. difficulty learn distinguishable be light difficulty, and heavy.
• difficulty learns light usually met in entrant educates inattentive at moment follow study.
• difficulty is earning being met in entrant is educating that experience disturbance learns that come from outside entrant self educates, family factor for example, residence environment, association, etc.
• difficulty learns heavy met in entrant educates that experience ketunaan in their self, deaf people for example, poor netra¸tuna daksa, etc.
b. technique
technique that can be used to mendiagnosis difficulty learn among others: prerequisite test (erudition prerequisite, know-how prerequisite), diagnostic test, interview, observation, etc.
• prerequisite test test that used to detect to what prerequisite that need to achieve certain competence mastery is fulfilled or not yet. this prerequisite covers erudition prerequisite and know-how prerequisite.
• diagnostic test is used to detect entrant difficulty educates in dominate certain competence. for example in study number operation, does entrant educate to experience difficulty in increasing competence, reduction, distribution, or multiplication.
• interview is done with hold tongue interaction with entrant educates to dig deeper hit difficulty learns that met entrant educates.
observation (observation) done by way of see accurately behaviour learns entrant educates. from observation supposed knowable also difficulty cause learn entrant educate.
2. study execution form remedial
after known difficulty learns that faced entrant educates, step next give treatment shaped study remedial. study execution forms remedial among others:
• study gift repeats with method and different media. study repeat communicable by matter moderation, presentation manner variation, test/question moderation. study repeats done when a large part or all entrants educates not yet achieve ketuntasan learn or experience difficulty learns. educator necessary give explanation returns by using method and/or media correcter.
• guidance gift peculiarly, guidance for example perorangan. in the case of entrant classical study educates to experience difficulty, necessary chosen alternative follow-up shaped guidance gift individually. guidance gift perorangan be educator character implication as tutor. tutorial system is carried out when found one or several entrants educates not yet success achieve ketuntasan.
• practice duties gift peculiarly. in order to apply reduplication principle, practice duties necessary multiplied so that entrant educates doesn't experience difficulty in do test ends. entrant educates necessary given intensive practice (drill) to helps to dominate competence that appointed.
• tutor utilization coeval. tutor coeval classmate that has speed learns more. they are necessary maked use to give tutorial to the friend that experience delay learns. with friend coeval supposed entrant will educate that experience difficulty learns barer and intimate.

3. study execution time remedial
found several alternative with reference to time or when does study remedial carried out. that question, does study remedial given in every end daily repetition, weekly, end month, middle semester, or end semester. or study remedial that given after entrant educates to study sk or kd certain? study remedial can be given after entrant educate to study kd certain. but because in every sk found several kd, so too much for educator to carry out study remedial every finished study kd certain. remember success indicator learns entrant educates level ketuntasan in achieve sk that consist of several kd, so study remedial can also be given after entrant educate to go through test sk that consist of several kd. this matter is based on deliberation that sk be one ability circularity that consist of several kd. they are not yet achieve mastery sk certain necessary follow study program remedial.
result learns that show competence achievement level passes evaluation is got from process evaluation and result evaluation. process evaluation is got to pass postes, performance test, observation and others. while result evaluation is got to pass daily repetition, repetition middle semester and repetition ends semester.

3. result learns student
every process will learn will reap result will learn. follow jhon m. keller (in mulyono 2003: 39) result learns to be product from a system processing various input shaped informsi.
follow winkel (1999: 53), result learns a way of thinking activities and psiis that in interaktif with environment that produce change in erudition, comprehension, know-how, and value mengap. this change has relative constant, and leave a trace.
result learns information about attitudes erudition and prila with know-how during certain time distance. so result learns not only shaped erudition that accepted somebody in the form of number, but can be in the form of prila or student activities that declared in the form of words, for example: good, enough, and less. (nawawi in yulizar, 2004: 4)
while memyati dam mujiono (2003: 3) declare that result learns to be a result top nelajar, be result from a interaction acts to learn and act to teach and usually at indication with test value that given by teacher.
so dapt be concluded that result learn to be student success size in realize lesson that given by teacher that visible from test value that give in the form of number or score.
4. economy subject
economy term comes from word oikonomeia (greek) that consist of two words that is oikos and nomos. oikos mean household while nomos mean norm or rule. thereby economy means rule hits household. economics is science social. as science social, economics more emphasized the attention points to human and best manners livelihood that prepare various matter according to memadai by make possible everyone to fulfill the need.
also said as science about prila and human action to fulfill need hidupn yes that, and bloom with existing resource passes production activity choices, consumption, and/or distribution. and follow oman (2004) economics science memperlajari human efforts to fulfill alive need and increase the welfare. while follow nurhadi (2002: 2), also be science branch that give explanation about that society phenomenons because human deed in his effort to fulfill need or achieve welfare.
from brbagai opinion above inferential that economics science that study action or prila human in make use limited resource to fulfil the need so that can achieve welfare.
as to economy subject function in curriculum 2004 develop student ability in to berekonomi, by know various fact and economic event, realize concept and theory with practise in break economy problem that at society environment.
besides function the on, also aim to economy subject:
1. supply student with amount of economy concept to detect and understand economic event in life everyday, especially jad at environment setingkat individual/ household, society and country.
2. supply student amount of economy concept that need to deepen economics in stage next
3. supply values student with economy ethics and has businessman soul
4. increase ability berkompetisi and cooperate in compound society, good in also international.

f. watchfulness hypothesis
ha: there study execution influence remedial towards result learns student in economy subject at sman 1 indralaya
ho: there is no study execution influence remedial towards result learns at sman 1 indralaya.

g. metodelogi watchfulness
1. variable watchfulness
variable free (x): study remedial
bound variable (y): result learns

2. operational definition variable
study remedial be repair study that used to overcome and repair difficulty learns that undergone by student. so object from study remedial student that experience difficulty or failure in learn.
result learn to be student success size in realize lesson that given by teacher that visible from test value that give in the form of number or score.

so steps that this watchfulness:
1. do lesson matter delivery to entire students dives thrice tatap face
2. give test/ test towards matter that taught previous.
3. analyze result learn/ student test that meneskan previous, then mengelompo student anatara a success and unsuccessful in test that given.
4. give study remedial for students that experience to difficulty/fail in learn it.
5. give second test to students that experience to difficulty/fail to learn.
6. analyze learn/test result meneskan, then mengelompo a success student and fail in to learn.
7. analyze data that got from steps above.

3. population and watchfulness sample
population can be interpretted as subjek or object that present at one particular area that fulfil certain terms related to watchfulness problem. population in this watchfulness entire students sman 1 indralaya.
sample some of population that taken and can represent population. sample this watchfulness student sman 1 indralaya class x. a and x. b, xi. is. a and xi. is. b, xii. is. a and xii. is. b that experience difficulty in learn that done with method purposive sampling.

4. experiment plan:
this watchfulness uses method pre experimental design with form one-shot case study. in this watchfulness is watchfulness result visible with compare conditon before and after given treatment. as to stages in these watchfulness:
1. preparation stage
a. book study
b. observation at school
c. prepare tool and ingredient, consist of:
• guidebook (package and supporting book) economy lesson sma class x, xi, and xii.
• other related media

2. execution stage
a. maker proposal watchfulness
b. will do instruction at school so that be known sample that we are careful.

3. stage penyelesasian
a. do study remedial for students that experience difficulty in learn.
b. give test in students after given perlakuan(pembelajaran remedial)
c. collecting and data analysis
d. conclude watchfulness result.

5. data collecting technique
a. documentation
this technique is used to get data in general, that is mrngenai student total at sman 1 indralaya. besides this technique has been used to get result data has learnt yan g achieved entrant has educated in economy subject.
b. test
test is done to get result data learns student in economy subject. in this watchfulness uses result test learns sitempat as variable bound that measures student mastery as process result learn.
in this watchfulness, instrument test is measuresed with do validity testing and realibilitas test. validity standard a test is declared in a number coefficient between -1,00 samapi 1,00. validity coefficient countable by using technique kolerasi product moment.

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