Mari Berbagi !!!

Sunday 29 March 2009

Terima kasih

Terima Kasih
By : efran

Bila memang harus
Ku akhiri semua
Tanpa satu alasan
Kau inginkan ku tuk pergi

Tanpa satu alasan
Kau inginkan ku tuk pergi
Ijinkan ku ucapkan sebuah rasa dari hatiku

Terima kasih ku ucapkan
Untuk semua pengorbanan yg kau beri untuk ku o...
Terima kasih ku ucapkan
Untuk waktu mu yg terbuang saat besamaku

Ku tak mampu buatmu bahagia saat bersamaku
Mungkinku bukanlah yg terbaik untuk mu
Jadikan cinta kita satu.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Tentang Saya

Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatu
Welcome to my blog, might you interested :-)

Name : efran hadi
place & date of birth; beti, 15th november 1987
Address : desa Beti, dusun 2, No.138, kec. Indralaya Selatan, Ogan Ilir.
Phones : 085268767901, 085664766248
final educ. : FKIP unsri, economics accounting education 6th term

education history :
SDN 2 Meranjat
SMP6 2 Tg.Batu
SMAN 1 Indralaya
Faculty of teacher training & education, economics accounting program

Organisation history :
OSIS SMPN 2 Tg. Batu
OSIS SMAN 1 Indralaya
Scout of SMAN 1 Indralaya
Working Branch Council of scout Ogan Ilir
Student Excecutive Body
Lembaga Dakwah fakultas Baroka FKIP Unsri Sriwijaya University
Chairman of scout movement of Unsri

For everyone who want to make connection with me, i'm very welcome one. Just follow up my blog & share each other.
I also finding a good job, especially as a teacher of SSI (sekolah standar International) or SRSI (sekolah rintisan) if you have me join your school i believe we'll be success in education.
Bravo education of Indonesia! !!